Computer Virus:- Computer virus is a small program of malicious code, is written to alter the way of computer operation & spread it from one computer to another computer. It is similar to biological or flu virus which cannot reproduce without host cell. Computer virus spread through the programming files such as files or documents....
What is IP Subnetting :-  IP Subnetting is a process of breaking a large network IP range to the small & reliable subnets. Subnets means the subnetwork of a large network. Subnet mask contains network & host portion. We acquire host portion to the network & perform subnetting. We know that one large network is not...
Processor/CPU Overview:- Central processing unit understand all the activities between human & computer then, process the the instruction further as a command of a computer program by performing the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system.CPU is basically brain of computer, it stores data,...
Devices used in Networking:-HUB:- Hub is centralized device, which is used to connect multiple workstations.It has no special kind of memory. It simply receives the frame (data) and forwards it to all its nodes except the receiving node. It always performs broadcasting. In case of hub, there is one collision domain and one broadcast domain. The media access method is used CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection).There...
Tricks:-Move the cursor quicker to the beginning of the previous word by pressing CTRL+Left Arrow, instead of doing it manually.To get the cursor to the beginning of the next word, use CTRL+Right Arrow.Recover a deleted item with ALT+Backspace.Delete an entire word by pressing CTRL+Backspace.Select a word you want to highlight quickly, without dragging...
How to Check Internet speed on Taskbar:-Hello Guys!!! Generally we can check the speed of internet in our mobile phone but, not able to check in windows system. It is very easy to see now in windows machines. Let's do few steps..........Step 1. We need to install a software. Download link is given below:-👆Net Speed Monitor SoftwareStep...
Hello Guys,     Now I am Gonna Show You How to Get Password Behind the Asterisk, that is *******      Firstly we know the meaning of Asterisk:- An asterisk is the sign *. It is used especially to indicate that there is further information about something in another part of the text.    ...
What is IP address ? An IP address is a numeric identifier assigned to each machine on an IP network. It designates the specific location of a device on the network. An IP address is a software address, not a hardware address—the latter is hard-coded on a network interface card (NIC) and used for finding hosts on a local network. IP addressing...
Open Systems Interconnection OSI model is the layer approach to design, develop and implement network. OSI provides following advantages: - Designing of network will be standard base. Development of new technology will be faster. Devices from multiple vendors can communicate with each other. Implementation and troubleshooting...



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