Computer Virus:- 

Computer virus is a small program of malicious code, is written to alter the way of computer operation & spread it from one computer to another computer. It is similar to biological or flu virus which cannot reproduce without host cell. Computer virus spread through the programming files such as files or documents. It also spread by attachments in email messages or by instant messaging messages. Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files. Computer viruses also spread through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that you might download.

A computer virus might corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk. Stealing passwords or data, logging keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email contacts, and even taking over your machine are just some of the devastating and irritating things a virus can do.

Symptoms of virus active in your system:-

  • Pop-ups will appear frequently on your desktop:- Frequently pop-ups will appear on your computer screen & show you message that your computer need protection, download any fake antivirus or unwanted software. This may be due to any spyware available in computer or rogueware (Fake antivirus).
  • Computer running slow :- If suddenly your computer running slow. It may be a symbol of virus, Worm, Trojen , which running tasks which consume more space & slow down your computer.
  • Home page redirect automatically: - uhh hoooo.. my home page redirect automatically to another website.
  • Multiple tabs open when open web browser which neither is nor requested by you…
  • Cannot connect to the internet or internet is very slow….. Yes it may happen due to malware which, establish another session through your internet connectivity & you may face this issue.
  • My antivirus & firewall getting disappeared.. any program like this may be stop working of going to disappeared due to failure of some program in your computer, but when your  all data security program disappear then you need to alert you are almost certainly infected.
  • Where have my data gone…..!!!! Usually no body asking these types of questions but.. Some types of thread may move your data from one location to other or encrypt them.
Till now you have familiar more words like Worm, Trojan horse, Spyware, Rouge ware, Malware etc.. so lets know these term.

What is worm?

Worm is a self replicating computer program that spreads without human interaction. Mostly it spreads from emails attachments that infect the computer when they are open. Worms uses system resources like hard drive & bandwidth by overloading a share network. It also steal data, install a backdoor and allow hackers to gain system control. So, keep monitoring your bandwidth , keep eyes on your hard drive, check time ti time for missing files of new files because worms delete and replace files in your computers.

What is spyware?

Spyware is a type of malware which can install on your computer without your knowledge. It can collect personal information secretly from your computer. Spyware can monitor your usually web browsing  activity, it may install un necessary software in your system & guide your web browser according to him or may control your system.

What is a trojan horse?

Trojan horse is a malicious program is not spread by themselves but they spreads from virus, worms or downloaded software.It can spread like....You might think you’ve received an email from someone you know and click on what looks like a legitimate attachment. But you’ve been fooled. The email is from a cyber criminal, and the file you clicked on — and downloaded and opened — has gone on to install malware on your device.When you execute the program, the malware can spread to other files and damage your computer.

What is rogue security software?

A rogue security software program tries to make you think that your computer is infected by a virus and usually prompts you to download or buy a product that removes the virus. The names of these products frequently contain words like Antivirus, Shield, Security, Protection, or Fixer. This makes them sound legitimate. They frequently run right after you download them, or the next time that your computer starts. Rogue security software can prevent applications, such as Internet Explorer, from opening. Rogue security software might also display legitimate and important Windows files as infections.

What is malware?

Malware is a term that is used for malicious software that is designed to do damage or unwanted actions to a computer system. Examples of malware include the following:

  • Viruses
  • Worms

  • Trojan horses
  • Spyware
  • Rogue security software

👆How to Protect your PC from virus & cyber attack.

Security awareness is health for digitization.So, Guys....Be aware Be safe.!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊




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