Hi Friends! Modern age is going towards digitization. Railway,Banking,Corporate,Education etc. are shifting towards digital platform.We can book tickets or can shop easily just in a click, even our surveillance system became strong by using digitization. We are using programming software. Mobile, Computers, IP cameras, Drones, Radars and many more resources are using on digital platform. Internet is the medium through which we have connected these resources & avail benefits. Softwares through which human & machines can connect & share data.But.. think a moment , are we safe? Out data is secure? no one watching us??? if yes then we should be aware.
Cyber crime may be happen & breach your data, it can disrupt your security & may be destroy your data. On these days we watch news related to "cyber crime happen in Australia.." NAHI was hit by ransomware attack suffered lose of data". Day to day we here these types of news. We need to be alert secure ourselves. So,our resources may not be tracked by hackers.

Awareness is key ingredient in success. So lets know How to Protect your PC from virus & cyber attack.

Turn on your computer Firewall. It is designed to actually filter threatening communication.I allows or block either inclusive of exclusive parameters. It is working like an access control list, which has particular set of guideline that allow or resist access to specific computer communication.

Keep your computer up to date.So that the OS patches will be up to date, it is just like the immunity booster for OS against the newly developed misbehavior programs.

Only download programs from websites that you trust. If you're not sure whether to trust a program that you want to download, enter the name of the program into your favorite search engine to see whether anyone else has reported that it contains spyware.

Read all security warnings,license agreements,and privacy statements that are associated with any software that you download.

Never click "Agree" or "OK" to close a window that you suspect might be spyware. Instead, click the red "x" in the corner of the window or press Alt + F4 on your keyboard to close a window.

Require employees to use strong passwords and change them periodically: A hacker may try to access your account more than once over a period of time. Changing your password reduces the risk that they will have frequent access. A keystroke logger is surveillance technology used to record keystrokes. Regularly changing your password makes it less likely that passwords obtained this way will be useful for any length of time.Keep your password length between 8-15 characters must be contains alphanumeric & special character.

Install anti-virus software: AV periodically scan your computer to keep protect your files, emails & web browsing activities. Antivirus gets update periodically & install updated virus definition.

Use email with caution: Users of email should be careful when they are using it. Hackers can exploit an email in many different ways; hiding viruses in attachments for example. It is very important to not open or read emails from email addresses you don’t recognize, they should be deleted from your inbox immediately.

Use internet carefully: Do you know even the safest website can contains spyware & malware, on a single click they can install in your computer. Avoid clicking on popups, ads, graphics and links to other websites.

Be Aware... Be Safe..😊😉😎




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